Hi everyone. I am just here to give a quick update. I wish I could say that all is well, however everything is still up in the air. My husband has now been to the Dr. several times, one of which is because we have switched insurance as of January 1st 2016 and had to see a new Doctor. Luckily, the new Doctor is actually the same Doctor from 5 years ago when my husband was originally diagnosed. Anyway--- LONG STORY SHORT- an in office biopsy has not been done at any of the visits. Both Doctor's my husband has seen say that the area of concern is too large to biopsy in their office and state that the entire area must be surgically removed and biopsied during surgery. The Doctor's are also stating that the surgery needs to be done soon, (30 days) in case the cancer is back, as action will need to be taken for treatments immediately.

Well, my husband is not going to go forward with the surgery to perform the biopsy, as it is something he doesn't want to take on right now, and is too much to handle.

Thank you all for your support and kind words. Please pray for my husband, myself and our children. I will continue to fight for him...

Wife of a stubborn survivor
Scared of the unknown