There are so many knowledgeable people on this website I can't express myself anywhere near in comparison but can say how truly thankful I am that I have found you. Each comment or forum I have viewed gives me a sense of strength and I value each person here. I wish my husband was a computer person but he is not; nor the type to get started. He relies totally on me and I thank you for all information. To get back to the topic of "Biotene" replacement products; what is the name of the sample products you are checking out, Brian? I have few options as far as pharmacies (or drug stores as they used to call them) in the area I live so I need to investigate more. I look forward to getting more comfortable using this site and learning more.

Vicki caregiver to incredible man
survivor of several partial glossectomies, jawbone removal, 2 courses of chemo/radiation-2009 and most recently Jan14