
I haven't tried the "new & improved" Biotene rinse yet, but their "new" toothpaste burns my mouth. I've been looking for a replacement mouth rinse for a while now, and the only brand I found that does not burn my mouth is Act. Act has a few different types and I think there is a dry mouth one. If you try the Biotene rinse, post a note here to let us know.

Did your doctor know that Biotene was bought by GSK and they changed all the formulas on all the products? Biotene products used to be good and were recommended by many doctors and other medical professionals.


SCC R-Lateral tongue, T1N0M0
Age 47 at Dx, non-smoker, casual drinker, HPV-
Surgery: June 2005
RT: Feb-Apr 2006
HBOT: 45 in 2008; 30 in 2013; 30 in 2022 -> Total 105!
Recurrence/Surgeries: Jan & Apr 2010
Biopsy 2/2011: Moderate dysplasia
Surgery 4/2011: Mild dysplasia
Dental issues: 2013-2022 (ORN)