First, Happy 2014 folks. I got the last computer problems fixed yesterday. Apparently Windows 8 doesn't like accepting "legacy equipment", i.e. old stuff like my Keytronic Dvorak keyboard.

Thanks Sophie T and all who have been so encouraging. My first name is Norman, 59, and I have never been a smoker.

I had my surgery at Vancouver General on Dec.31/2013. They put me on the 12th floor looking north over Granville Island, downtown, and the North Shore Mountains. There were some interesting fireworks displays throughout the night.

Anyway things certainly went well this time. The previous two biopsies were by scalpel and stitches. This was done by laser. He took a good 1" strip off my tongue (R/H underside) from about the midpoint, back to where it starts down my throat. He also took what he called a papilloma off the top of my vocal cords, a two-for-one deal! That evening for supper and New Year's Day morning for breakfast they served me the same thing: orange and apple juice, Jello, and tea. After breakfast they said I was OK to go. No Chemo or Rads are planned.

Ja 2013 tongue, red sore spot, r/r edge + white strip underneath, no pain
Al Bx on spot, strip, and vocal cords, lab rep benign
Oc 24 Surgeon follow-up, larger Bx req'd
Oc 25 Bx bits to Vanc. Cancer lab
No 14 MD said more ca investig'n req'd
No 19 Prince George CC, MRI & CT
No 20 PGCC Oncol says cancer
De 2 Vancouver Cancer Centre, PET/CT
De 31 VGH partial glossX + ex spot on vocal cords