Hello again folks. Had to work right up to Christmas Eve afternoon. We're still trying to get the new computer right. And our nice sunny -20C gave way to gloomy wet snow, rain, and temperatures around zero. A real mess.

Heard something interesting out on the road one day. One trucker asked another "Are you still living the dream, or looking for another one"? I said to myself, "Hell, I'm just dreaming to live"!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. My present will be surgery in Vancouver on New year's Eve, of all days! They have been telling me it's early stage, and hope to remove all the ca by surgery. I know others on here have heard this before, but I'm buying it for now and staying optimistic.

If I really do get away with such minimal treatment, it will make me feel like a kid with a Bandaid on a scraped knee, compared to the suffering many of you have endured. I am unworthy.

Tomorrow we get ready to travel on Sunday. Everyone have a Happy New Year and I will check in next year!

Ja 2013 tongue, red sore spot, r/r edge + white strip underneath, no pain
Al Bx on spot, strip, and vocal cords, lab rep benign
Oc 24 Surgeon follow-up, larger Bx req'd
Oc 25 Bx bits to Vanc. Cancer lab
No 14 MD said more ca investig'n req'd
No 19 Prince George CC, MRI & CT
No 20 PGCC Oncol says cancer
De 2 Vancouver Cancer Centre, PET/CT
De 31 VGH partial glossX + ex spot on vocal cords