You are probably right. This is being typed on my new $$$$ computer which seems to have lost all our old data, including my wife's accounting files and email. The -20C (-4F)outside is warm compared to the reception this unit is getting. Her anger is keeping her warm.

I'm not impressed either as I type Dvorak, and this hunt and peck (qwerty) is as barbaric as using my phone. More later when normalcy returns. Stay warm.

Ja 2013 tongue, red sore spot, r/r edge + white strip underneath, no pain
Al Bx on spot, strip, and vocal cords, lab rep benign
Oc 24 Surgeon follow-up, larger Bx req'd
Oc 25 Bx bits to Vanc. Cancer lab
No 14 MD said more ca investig'n req'd
No 19 Prince George CC, MRI & CT
No 20 PGCC Oncol says cancer
De 2 Vancouver Cancer Centre, PET/CT
De 31 VGH partial glossX + ex spot on vocal cords