So glad to hear you pulled up ok Max.

The swelling is always the worst around the 3rd day post surgery so don't get too worried if the swelling is getting in the way of speech - it will get better.

My wife had a similar surgery around a month ago now and she has recovered very well.

Like you, she was young, fit and had no risk factors whatsoever. The up side of this is that recovery tends to be much quicker for those without risk factors & are young so I am sure you'll bounce right back up again in no time!

6/8/12: Wife 33y/o with no risk dx with Stage IVa SCC L of Tongue(T4aN2bM0)
3/9/12: Induced birth @ 36 weeks - Baby Hunter!
11/9/12: OP - 3/4 Partial Gloss, Radical ND & Tongue Rec.
24/10/12: 33xRad + 7xChemo
7/12/12: Tx complete
21/3/13 & 21/6/13: NED
24/7/13: SCC in Lungs - OP: Lobectomy (VATS)
29/1/14 passed away