Hello Cheryld and ChristineB,
Thanks for your quick responses and moving my post to this new thread.
Yes I am quite young (25) to find out that I have this horrible desease but I am ready to fight it all the way.
I live in UK and am doing a PhD in Engineering at the University of Cambridge.
I don't smoke and drink only socially. I am not aware of any cancers in my family and don't know where I got it from. In or around July, I noticed I had a tongue ulcer that was very painful at the beginning and I felt some discomfort in my mouth for a while, then the ulcer pain and mouth discomfort disappeared but the ulcer was still there. I surfed the web to find out what it could be and potentially it seemed to be an early stage of mouth cancer given all these symptoms.
I went to my General Practinioner who sent me to hospital for a biopsy which turned out to be a tumour. They say it is an early stage and it's good that it has been caught early. The doctor examined my neck and said it was 'absolutely fine'.
Possibly I have not realised all seriousness of this yet as I try not to think of it too much for now and rely on my knowledge that it's an early stage and it curable. However it's freaking me out that I will have to lose probably part of my tongue and there are all other post-treatment issues...
I have done CT today and will have MRIS tomorrow.
I haven't told my parents yet as they live in a different country and I don't want to make them worry before I finish all screen tests and know the date of surgery.
I will take Christine's advice and will eat anything what I like before the treatment starts.
Thank you all,
Last edited by Max1987; 09-25-2012 03:44 PM.