Hi Christine, my tumour is on the left side. You can probably see it if I stick my tongue out all the way or if I wanted to show the left side of my tongue to someone then it will be visible in my mouth.
I appreciate that nothing will replace my original tongue but I will learn more about it. Let's see first what docs will tell me and how big is the tumour. It looks like give or take 1.5-2 cm. But it's only how it looks like, i don't know how deep it is.
Thanks for telling me about 'new treatment types'. They do advertise some different types of treatment but I don't know anything about them. All I can see is that national health system (NHS) says that tongue cancer can be treated with surgery + radiotherapy. And I think it's better to rely on people who have such experience, so I am glad that I have found this website given my problem.
My next appontment is in one week on 3 Oct. It seems I have done all tests (CT, MRIs, X-Ray and something else probably that I am unable to recall or maybe not). So I suppose they will suggest me next time what treatment I will require or possibly there will be more tests?
I went to Marks and Spencer today to buy some nice and tasty food and was almost crying that I can start counting my days