Hello, I had my appointment today and my surgery date is 15 October.
There will be two surgeries: 1) tongue and 2) neck dissection.
Following my scan last week (x-ray, CT, MRI) they said they were good enough and the desease hasn't spread.
Apparently they could see some glands were swollen (if I recall correctly) and they think they might need to be removed as well.
They said tongue operation would take about 30 min and neck dissection would take about 3 hours. So they estimate it will be around 4 hours in total. They think my discharge date will be on Thursday, so I will have to stay in hospital for less than one week.
I requested a second opinion, so there was a radio therapist on my appointment. They both think that I should go for surgery and they think no radiotherapy will be required. They said I could oct for radiotherapy only but they reccomend having an operation.
In addition, I had an appointment with a person who discussed with me my speech prospects. She think I will not have any major problems with my speech. She said that usually people in this kind of situation would have a problem with the sound "s" and possibly sound "l". (I think someone mentioned the problem with the sound "s" before). In general she said I would be fine and it might be that people who know me well enough would notice some speach change but new people who I get to know may not notice anything at all.
I asked whether I will have any problem with tasting the food. They said I wouldn't.
So in summary they will remove part of my tongue + some lymph nodes and will have to open my neck to see the glands. They anticipate that I will need no radio and no chemo at this stage.
I asked what stage of my cancer is. They said they think it is T1N0M0.
I have done ECG and blood tests today. I suppose it's pre-surgery assessment.
Any comments are more than welcome.