Hi guys. Just shocked to see younger people like me with this disease. I was 29 when diagnosed!

Tina and Max, I just went through all this stuff last december (2011) and here I am. My life is completely normal now.

Oh yes, I have some difficult with some words in my language (portuguese) but in english my speech is pretty normal. I can�t say "vidro" in portuguese, but i can sat "drowning" on english.

So, I�m available to talk about it. I had 2 surgeries (partial glossectomy + neck dissection) and I can talk about it if you want!

If you want send me a personal message and we can chat on facebook, ok?


December, 2011 - T1N0M0 SSC Oral Tongue sugery (Dec 07, 2011). Partial glossectomy, primary closure. Selective Neck dissection, all 57 nodes free. 29 at diagnosis, no risk factors at all. No smoking, drinking and HPV negative. Can you explain? I can't.