
Sending lots of healing thoughts your way in this stressful time. It sounds like you're holding up well. Like Tina, I think the news sounds reasonably good. I'm so sorry you're going through this, so unfair, especially at such a youthful age. You've got a great attitude. What's the impact on your school work? That's a heavy load all in itself - hope you aren't stressing over that as well. You can catch up with that when you're healed.
Age 59 ex-smoker 1989
1/10 dx MDS (blood cancer)
2010-11 21 cycles Vidaza
11/10 Bone Marrow Transplant
8/31/12 dx SCC left BOT HPV 16+ T1N2cM0
10/11/12 TORS partial glossectomy clear margins
10/24/12 bilateral ND/ii-iv 92 nodes all clear
10/30/12 dx revised T1N0M0 no chemo or rads