For you to take the time, and have the empathy to post a second post of support to me, after you have just found out this terrible terrible news, astounds me. A new primary tumor, after the first seemingly good news from the Petscan, must be devastating. Yet, you are still thinking of others.
Letting that "demon" out and then boxing it up and whacking it is a good plan. I hope you and your husband can get the night(s) off together you need and soon. The cancer coming back or a new primary tumor is the worst nightmare any of us have - except when it's not longer a nightmare but reality.
You have the right attitude, a loving family, and good medical care: all independent prognostics of beating this.
I will add you in my prayers and thoughts. It's so unfair that kind, gentle, sensitive people like you get dealt such hard hands in life. Let's just hope we have happy endings like Job did in the Bible. Keep the Faith