All of the "ifs" are encouraging but I have appreciated the doctors being upfront on what their oppinions are about my situation. There is a possibility its something else but I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

Thanks for the link to the other member being treated at UAB. I will get in touch as soon as I have time.

I'm going to try and let it go until i get the results of my biopsy. I like the thought process of dealing with whats in front of you. I have to get through the biopsy and recieve the results. Then I will deal with whats next.

Thanks for all the comments.

Age 35, Former smoker/drinker HPV+
Ear Ache 5/12
GP for ear ache 6/18
ENT for ear ache 7/12
CT shows cancer 7/12
Biopsy 8/12
diagnosed SCC
Base of tongue right side
Barely crossed midline
Nodes involved
PEG 9/12
35 IMRT start Sept 6th
Cisplastin x3 1 down 2 to go