Hello, new hear. I am having a biopsy and mapping done this coming friday on the base of my tongue. Two ENT's have told me they believe it is cancer. We just don't know what type or what stage. I have a one week old baby at home. I'm terrified.
I've had horrible ear pain since April. They've tried Hydro and Oxy codone. Nothing last. The hydro will take the edge off for a couple hours and the oxy does nothing.
Any advice or oppinions on UAB would be greatly apprecited.


Age 35, Former smoker/drinker HPV+
Ear Ache 5/12
GP for ear ache 6/18
ENT for ear ache 7/12
CT shows cancer 7/12
Biopsy 8/12
diagnosed SCC
Base of tongue right side
Barely crossed midline
Nodes involved
PEG 9/12
35 IMRT start Sept 6th
Cisplastin x3 1 down 2 to go