Ok guys I need some more advice please!!! Last Friday on July 20 @ 3 am I found Don on the floor unconscious, stiff and his eyes wide open. I called 911 and suctioned him out. He was responsive before the ambulance arrived. During that episode he had also lost control of his bladder. We went to hospital they ran tests, nothing showed, so we went home Saturday afternoon. He had to have a blood transfusion at the hospital as well. Anyways we get home and he has a lot of facial swelling. The doctor said to give him benedryl and if it worsened to bring him back. It went down some. Monday morning around 8:00 he said he was feeling light headed he then passed out repeatedly every few minutes each one only lasting a few seconds. I called 911 again took him to hospital where they said his heart was plummeting causing his blood pressure to plummet in return causing him to pass out. Again this time he lost control of I his bladder as well. They transferred him to UAB heart doctor. It hasn't happened since we have been down here. He is still severely swollen around his face and throat area. The doctors have said it doesn't look as though it's his heart. They are saying it has something to do with his vagus nerve running from his heart up his throat. Two possibilities: tumor has spread to vagus nerve causing it damage which causes all other problems or it could be his neck swelling causing it to put pressure on the nerve and causing the same problems. We'll find out more after CT . Has anyone ever experienced any problems such as these? Thank you all in advance! The doctor said if it is the cancer they won't be able to do his scheduled surgery on Thursday. Any prayers are greatly appreciated!


Callie, 24, cg to husband, Don, 43, smoker 20+ years, quit smoking 12/11! 3/09- spot on tongue, biopsy-. 3/10 biopsy-. 10/14/11 biopsy+. Surgery to remove front half of tongue and 32 lymph nodes (contained in one node).. 12/09/11. 6 weeks rad tx 2/1/12-3/20/12. Trach removed 4/12. Still using peg.