Well Don's biopsy came back. He has cancer in the base of his tongue and voice box. The doctor said he has two options, first major surgery, remove rest of tongue, voicebox, and he'll have a permanent trach. That only giving him a 25 % chance of it not coming back. He'll never be able to speak again. The second option, radiation again, which would be even more brutal, chemo, combination of both or some clinical trials. Which would only be a 5 % chance of shrinking the tumor and it would possibly extend his life for a year. If he chose neither, he might have a year left, give or take. We have a six year old and a one year old. I don't know what to do. I've been crying all day, my face is raw from rubbing it! I can't eat or drink anything without getting sick! I don't think I've ever felt this much pain! please someone give me some advice or hope...


Callie, 24, cg to husband, Don, 43, smoker 20+ years, quit smoking 12/11! 3/09- spot on tongue, biopsy-. 3/10 biopsy-. 10/14/11 biopsy+. Surgery to remove front half of tongue and 32 lymph nodes (contained in one node).. 12/09/11. 6 weeks rad tx 2/1/12-3/20/12. Trach removed 4/12. Still using peg.