His mom and dad are coming down to help! Thank God!! If he goes through with the surgery I'm asking them all to come down! I know I can't do this alone again. I've installed the talk to me app on his phone, but he won't use it. I was at the pharmacy today and the lady asked me how Don was doing and I just burst into tears and couldn't speak! So humiliating. Oh well I'm sure there's more to come. I can feel the tears trying to bust out constantly and my voice is consistently shaky when talking about anything. I was finally able to eat a little this afternoon. This mucus that keeps coming out of his trach is non stop! I feel so sorry for him having to constantly suffer through that. I pray it goes away soon. I know Don's glad his parents are coming down, but he hates them to see him like this. It was so odd, his mom asked me Monday before the results if he would care if they came down. He told me to tell them to wait until he's feeling better and able to speak to them. Then the results came and he won't be able to ever speak again with his voice. So sad! But I don't care how we have to communicate as long as he's here! We've been communicating differently for months anyway! He did tell me he would like a second opinion

Callie, 24, cg to husband, Don, 43, smoker 20+ years, quit smoking 12/11! 3/09- spot on tongue, biopsy-. 3/10 biopsy-. 10/14/11 biopsy+. Surgery to remove front half of tongue and 32 lymph nodes (contained in one node).. 12/09/11. 6 weeks rad tx 2/1/12-3/20/12. Trach removed 4/12. Still using peg.