Hi Marisa,

This is a very sad stage. A sign that death is coming soon is a rattle noise when breathing.

He is blessed to be surrounded by an abundance of love. I'm sure it means more to him than you will ever know. He is lucky to have you caring for him.

Sending you wishes for Mick's peaceful transition filled with love and precious memories.


Ex-spouse MISDIAGNOSED with SCC-HN IVa 12/10. Tonsils out 1/11. 4 teeth out 2/11. TX Erbitux x2, IMRT x2 2/11. 2nd opinion-benign BCC-NOT CANCER 3/11. TX stopped 3/11. New doctors 4/11. ENT agrees with 2nd opinion 5/11. ENT scoped him-all clear 7/11. Ordered MRI anyway. MRI 8/22/11 Result-all clear.