thanks.... we are in Lima area (NW OHIO)....he finished the 39 radiations (5 days a week, chemo every FRI) followup w the dr is thurs...I am kinda hoping no more rad's I do not think he can handle it...but this same dr gave my aunt radiation clear up until the day she died (it was in her lungs and brain than) when do u say enough is enough?? yes the pain I cannot imagine...he just hacks on the mucous all day long and the sores are just horrible...and u are so right that alcoholism is a disease it all is such a sad situation, he really wants to fight I just do not know if he can handle more treatments, I am afraid the rad's would kill him quicker than the cancer....

FIL DX JAN 29, 2011
stage 4 Squamous cell carcinoma
inoperable due to his overall health.
started treatment: March 2011.
feeding tube and TRACH
finished 39 radiations and weekly chemos JUNE..
June- 3 weeks in hospital for pneumonia
July-pet scan showed slightly better
OCT- hospice care, cancer all thru body