cheryl thanks so much for your words..u really made me feel better, a lot has changed in the past day....FIL finished his 39 RADS yesterday!! he earned a certificate of RAD GRAD, dr told him to get lots of rest these next few weeks than PET SCAN in 4 weeks and go from we were w him all day yesterday and left at 10 pm...he was very tired but ok...we told him to get rest, than this morning all hell broke lose..he texted us to come asap...and we were at in house in 3 minutes...he was very weak and lethargic , said he was dying and he cried......we rushed him to er..I dropped my husband and FIL off as I had my youngest 2 kids w me.....ran them to MIL's and rushed right back to ER>..figuring my husband was going to say he passed.....immediate XRAY showed he has the meantime he was shaking freezing cold but fevering...and mucous all one point he started to almost choke to death it seemed...they rushed RESPITORY in and was working on the trach and getting what they could out....poor guy was just begging for help and my husband and I sat there crying, and feeling horrible for him...he whispered he felt like he was suffocating...........after about 30 minutes, he was much better and resting, but still muttering whispers...all we could do was tell him how much we love him and we are there for him......they admitted him to the cancer floor and I just left about an hr ago to get home to my 4 husband is sleeping next to his dad tonight hoping for the best.....his cancer dr came in and said how he could not believe how quickly the infection set in, and at this point we have to pray the antibiotics help bring him now he is battling pneumonia on top of this...I feel so bad for him and wish I could be there w my husband and him but I will be back up in the AM....and praying for the best.....will keep you all informed...prayers would be wonderful....hugs and God bless to all

FIL DX JAN 29, 2011
stage 4 Squamous cell carcinoma
inoperable due to his overall health.
started treatment: March 2011.
feeding tube and TRACH
finished 39 radiations and weekly chemos JUNE..
June- 3 weeks in hospital for pneumonia
July-pet scan showed slightly better
OCT- hospice care, cancer all thru body