little update, he is still in hospital and today he had Thoracentesis done...a tube went in to remove lots of fluid from the lung..he says he feels lots better...I asked the nurse for more info of what was done and why and she was kinda snotty and said "normally it is a one time time but in his condition, the catheter is staying in to remove the fluid" she said if I needed more info to wait for the dr and he makes his rounds anywhere from 5pm- 11 pm.....we have waited for the dr before and always miss him..very i guess that is where we are at now...will update as I know more....hubby is going in early am before work to try and get some answers..

FIL DX JAN 29, 2011
stage 4 Squamous cell carcinoma
inoperable due to his overall health.
started treatment: March 2011.
feeding tube and TRACH
finished 39 radiations and weekly chemos JUNE..
June- 3 weeks in hospital for pneumonia
July-pet scan showed slightly better
OCT- hospice care, cancer all thru body