Eating is still an issue with me and my family. I find absolutely no pleasure in eating any more. It's more like a chore. Yet eating is at the top of the list of great things to do for them. Everyone wants to bring me food and take me out to eat and they think I don't appreciate it. They fail to understand that I would just as soon visit and drink a can of Boost or Ensure and not work trying to eat to make THEM happy. I had my PEG removed too soon too, and maybe that is why I have such ill feelings about eating. I have to eat because my daughter gets after me (she's an RN) and I know she's right. We have to get those calories in. Carmen is right, find something easy and tasty to eat. For me oatmeal, cream of wheat, and soups are my favorite foods nowadays. They just slide down. Ice cream was my favorite but I can't eat it with this new chemo - boo.

BOT-SCC Partial glossectomy 7/16/09.
Stage IV, Rt ND 10/2/09.
Teeth out 11/5/09.
Port/peg in, 11/20/09.
7 wks rad & chemo, end 1/22/10
lung, colon biopsies 1/9/11 - both cancer
colon resect surg 1/10/11
Folfox + Avastin - discontinued 6/11
lung surgery 3/13/12, 5/1/12
mets to liver and bones
passed away 9/4/13