I kept my PEG for well over a year after getting my force bars taken off (jaw wired shut after mandiblectomy). It was kind of a crutch for me in a way.

To be honest I think the only reason I ever took it out was because it was hard to feel sexy with it. (I'm wondering if I typed that outloud, I think my inner monologue is malfunctioning!) Anyway, it was very hard for me to eat and I liked to shoot bourbon down it when I felt like I needed a stiff drink so it was hard for me to decide to give it up.

Now it's still hard to eat but I try to eat solids at least once a day however I get most of my nutrition from Ensure Plus and protien powder. I think the only time I actually enjoy eating anymore is when I'm properly motivated, really I have to force myself to do it to keep my energy up. Anyway it's a very conscious decision for me to keep myself nourished because of how much of a pain in the a.. it is, especially to keep the muscle and size I'm at.

I can relate to why he doesn't want to that's for sure.


Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.