Hi Karen,
I am a speech pathologist and just completed my treatment 6 weeks ago. I strongly encourage (personal/professional bias) your husband to see a speech pathologist who specializes in swallowing problems ASAP- ESPECIALLY since he's already demonstrated good swallow function on an MBS - I had my MBS on on 2/25 and just had my PEG removed on 03/11/11. I made good progress rather quickly but let me tell you that right after my MBS I could barely move a tiny bite of pudding around in my mouth to swallow it - it hurt, felt weird and was uncomfortable - eating was hard work and it was MUCH easier to just take my nutrition from the tube - I know better but I didn't always take my own best advice!
The longer your husband waits the harder it will be for him to resume eating orally - it can be so difficult but once he gets started and pushes himself a little bit more each day I would anticipate that he'll notice progress week by week! I've seen it in my own Pt's and now so vividly in myself. Oral motor (tongue and lip) exercises are also critical to get the strength and coordination back for speech and swallow.
When I started eating again I decided I would start each day with an ensure/ice cream shake - I barely choked the thing down the first day and thought to myself that this was going to be a long hard haul. I don't really know why (Divine intervention?) but every single morning that shake was more and more palatable -and I started adding other food items through out the day, malt-o-meal, mushed banana, yogurt, broths, cream soups, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese - just had some chicken phad thai for dinner. I'll be honest - it doesn't taste as good as it used to and I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to because it was hard work chewing it, moving it around in my mouth and getting it ready to swallow, I didn't even eat 1/4 the portion I used to but I did it! Next time I do it - it'll be easier and taste better because every day gets me closer to my old self. It's too soon after treatment to accept that what I have now is my "new normal" I'm not done getting better yet and neither has your husband - please let me know if you have any questions - I was passionate about getting rid of PEG tubes long before I had my own - now that passion has increased 1000-fold!

Jennifer (39)
02/10 SCCa Tongue & Base, HPV-
03/10 Partial Glossectomy & ND 11/10 Revision due to additional nodes 12/20-2/2/11 IMRT & concommitant chemo 2/11 PEG in 3/11 PEG out
Back at work and feeling good 03/24/11!
12/20/11 - 9 month f/u PET/CT - all clear!