For me - I lost interest in eating. I now eat because I have to. To this day, there are certain foods that I can not even bear to think about eating. Eating and enjoying food are to a certain extent a mental issue. My OC explained it as - our mouths have been abused and beaten up and our minds have decided to protect our mouths. Have him continue to try to eat and I am sure speech therapy will help too. But it was a huge mental jump for me to eat orally - consistently. I had my PEG removed too soon (my fault) and have struggled with continued weight loss and malnutrition issues. So - keep that PEG in and go for the baby steps. Once he finds a food he will eat - fix it every day til he tires of it - then move onto something else.

DX 2/10/09; Stage 1 SCC side of tongue; Partial Gloss; PEG in 3/3/09; 3 Cisplatin; 35 IMRT; PEG out 7/17/09; Eating via mouth and walking 3 miles/day 4 wks after treatment end. 50 pound weight loss; Clear PET 09/09 and 09/10