Hi Jennifer!
It was very good for me to read your response since I currently have a feeding tube and rely on it more and more each day. I look at food and just thinking about trying to get it in my mouth and swallow causes me pain. Everything burns and it is so hard to swallow. It is so much easier to use the feeding tube not to mention that I put so many supplements in it that I could never even begin to think about eating! But I will try to start again. thank you! Marianne

dob 12/22/45
2002 DX SCC Stge 4,tumor lft sde tongue,surgery

2005 recur Stge 4 tumor lft side tongue
surgery, flap, XRT
2010 recurr. Stge 4, tumor rt sde tongue
surgery, flap, chemo, radiat. Port, PEG
2010 Peritonitis, liver abc., bacter. infections
2011 Exposed jawb. HBO