David I am so very sorry to hear about your wife. I am so very sick of cancer. My mom died of bone cancer 1996, my dad died of lung cancer 1997,Bobs mom had breast cancer at 2 different times an beat them both,5 years later she died of lung cancer 1998.I my self had skin cancer on my nose they did a small skin graft and I got a new nose 2004, and now Bob I wish the word cancer had never been invented. It is the foulest word I know. Push forward and help her beat this,we will be here when you need us.

Deb taking care of Bob, left retromolar tirgone&alveolar ridge SCC stage IV pT4anomx
11/3/10 partial mandiblctmy,trech,chest flap
11/9/10 Trech out, PEG in
1/19/11- 3/9/11 Cisplatin x3, IMRT x33