
Thanks for that story - I needed it. Thanksgiving hit during my "rough patch" of round 1 induction chemo. I realized IC is nothing compared to chemo-rads, but still felt sorry for myself for feeling sick, and feeling the need to act like I felt better than I did. Truth is, I was with people I love, and was able to eat a few things (hooray, overcooked veggies and gravy) and the pain meds that helped me eat only made me tired, didn't knock me out. I had to do an attitude check a couple of times.

Here's to all of us singing along . . .

44 at 10-26-2009 Dx; SCC, T2N2b, St.IV BOT; Rt. Tonsil out; PET 11-12-09 (3 spots); 3 rds Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5-FU started 11-19-09; PEG 12-24-09; 7 wks chemo-rads done 03-16-10. 06-28 CT/PET watching 1 node; PEG out; 11-15 CT - larger; 11-23 PET activity up; mrdc 12-21; 04-01-11 CLEAN SCANS! ; March 2018 new SCC - Meet with surgeon 4-4-18