Holiday cheer. The holiday season, what it means to me. Two years ago I was at the height of my success professionally. I had slight jaw pain however professionally and personally I was truly at a peak I had never achieved before.

I had lead a hotel to national prominence and profitability. I had successfully found and added a new hotel project to my companies growing hospitality business. I was making an extremely good living, my family wanted for nothing...but a bit more time from me.

January 2008 I was given my diagnosis, two years later I'm still recovering from what was the fight of my life. During this time I have lost financially everything, a dear friend and business associate, my wife's grandmother and just a few days ago, my sister. All no longer among the living. I share this not to "trump" anyone on loss or situation as there are others with worse situations then mine. I share this to say...i can relate.

I still listen to a song that get's me every time...Defying Gravity from the cast of Glee.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

To me, no matter how I've changed physically, my spirit still is one of defiance to this disease and to triumph over adversity, no matter what.

Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.