This will be my first Christmas after Dx, surgery. As in my signature, I had total glossectomy, with flap permanently anchored to floor of mouth. Even if I have all the will in the world, until I find the right technique, I could not eat/swallow solid food (because I could not control food in my mouth) and therefore have to live on blenderized foods.

So Christmas-wise, that means I have a very limited range of food choices to co-celebrate with family and friends. From where I come from, Christmas season is one of the two most celebrated Holidays (if not the most celebrated Holiday).

I have two choices about my situation: be bitter, or be better. It's my choice how to react and feel during this season: stay at home in a sulk, or celebrate; just like the MP in the quoted story above - indulge in negative feelings or be joyous, too.

I am constantly reminded that "attitude is more important than event". (note: "more important" this phrase doesn't belittle the event)

And as I read the actual experiences of posters under various topics of this board, the more I am reminded that I still have a lot to be thankful for.

Diagnosed: 16Feb'09
Pre-op Dx: Tongue SCCA Stage IVB (T4N2cM0)
Opn: 2Mar'09. Total glossectomy, Neck dissection (Levels I-V), bilateral; Anterolateral, Thigh flap recon'n; Tracheostomy; PEG
Decanullation: 24Mar'09
IMRT x30, concurrent with chemo (cisplatin) x3: May-Jun '09
PEG out: 23Oct'09