Brian has posted some good links on this website which can give you a good choice of trials. (At least I think they are still there).

You can also go to the FDA website ( and look them up - but not every trial is listed there. In addition, you can visit a specific CCC's website that you are interested in and see if they have a trial that you might be interested in, but they do not always post all of the trials. There is no good comprehensive database that I currently know of where you can find every trial available.

The other thing you can try is to call the universities that are close to you and see if they have any trials you would qualify for and could learn more information on. Of course - you'd only be looking at universities with medical schools. You're probably limited to universities with regard to cancer trials - as they usually don't do cancer trials in regular research facilities that are stand alone. However, if you are interested in trials for other things than cancer - you can call each center to see what they offer - however, with a cancer diagnosis, you are going to be limited in trials that will allow you to participate. Any cancer diagnosis is almost automatic exclusion from most trials.

Hope this helps.

SCC Right Lateral Tongue T2N0M0 Dx 01/12/06, Surgery 01/25/06. Partial Glossectomy, Bilateral Neck Dissection - 22 lymph nodes - all clear. No radiation.