Amy - I sent you an email to your own email address. I was very interested to hear that they were also talking to you about this trial - I knew you were considering the Green Tea trial and I actually asked the reseach nurse about that one...she said it was about full.

I will keep everyone posted as to what I learn about this. I am tentatively going back in 2 weeks and will have an opportunity then to talk with the principal investigator, and plan to ask a lot of questions about this new test. They will do additonal screening then, and if I pass, I will start the trial. I am lucky in that I am already being followed at MDA so it's only a few extra trips, and I travel for business so have lots of frequent flyer miles.

The side effects do worry me but so does the knowledge that my recurrence rate just jumped to 65% - so in weighing all things I believe the extra surveillance I will get as part of this trial can only be a good thing... and even if I am on the placebo, I will hopefully help further the research into ways to prevent recurrences...I read about everyone who is going through those recurrences and my heart just goes out to them - and everyone here who is facing this disease, whether patient or caregiver...

Ginny M. SCC of Left lateral tongue Dx 04/06,Surgery MDACC 05/11/06: Partial glossectomy with selective neck dissection. T1N0M0 - no radiation. Phase III clinical trial ("EPOC" trial)04/07 thru 04/08 because tests showed a 65% chance of recurrence. 10 Year Survivor!