I see on the M.D. Anderson website that there is a clinical trial that I might qualify for. It concerns surveillance for post-treatment OHC SCC patients. They will do CT's and brochoscopies as part of their study to determine the effectiveness of surveillance on detecting recurrences or lung involvement. A person must have completed their "definitive" treatment in the past year and must be either a current (surely not!) or a former smoker.

A person would either take Celebrex or take nothing. The Celebrex-takers would return to Houston monthly for the first year. The non-Celebrex users would return every three months for scans and bronchoscopy, including some biopsies.

I would love to have this sort of good surveillance, and I could go to Houston every three months without too much difficulty. I can not take Celebrex (allergic to sulfa drugs) but I could participate in the non-drug "arm" of the study.

Does this sound like something I should look into? Thanks for your advice.

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. nodes....no radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!