WOW!!! Amy, thanks so much for the good info! and to think that you had to write this twice. eek!

I DO have some questions.....I can't form them all right now, so you'll hear more from me.

How did you decide to submit to the trials? Did your doctor suggest that you would get additional excellent attention this way?

The trial that I saw described was one for which they seemed to assign people to one arm or the the Celebrex or the non-Celebrex arm. The non-C. people would come monthly, and the non-C people would come every three months, so you would have to know which you were in.

You are right, in that I couldn't take a chance on being in the Celebrex arm.

I have Blue Cross Insur., and i have NO idea whether it covers expenses for trials or not. I never thought I would need it...of course!

I live within driving distance of Houston (4-4 1/2 hrs.,) and at the current time, I have a son who lives there. He will be moving soon, however.

I would love to receive the advanced surveillance that they offer through this trial.

One question that I have is that they speak of routine bronchial biopsies.....eek. I wonder if this is a simple thing, or something that I would rather not submit to. I may have to ask this question in a separate post.

So.back to you.....Why, exactly, did your dr. suggest that you would benefit from participating in a trial, especially at a center so far from you home? Just curious....

If trials are desirable.....beyond the altruistic aspect of helping to promote the science....then I think that I will probably qualify for this one, and since it doesn't involve anything beyond having some extra surveillance at one of the best CCC's, I might go for it.

I'll come up with some different questions later. Thanks soso much for your help.


Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!