I wonder what would be the different exposure with a PET/CT? This wasn't mentioned in the above article. I just had my second PET/CT in 10 months at MDACC Houston. A good 30 minutes on the table with this scan. 18 minutes on the chest and pelvis. Then he came back in, repositioned me, and the remaining time was head and neck. I've had 2 CT scans there also during this past year, they were much quicker scans I think maybe because they were just head and neck. Thats a lot of radiation I think in a 10 month period. They told me last week that they were going to back off on the scans for awhile (hope so!) and just wanted to see me in the clinic for routine exam. Nothing is showing up on the scans which of course is always great news.

MDACC also called me and sent me a packet about the Celebrex trial. The Bronchoscopy sounded extremely gruesome. As was explained to me on the telephone, they would want to go in and take small pieces of lung tissue for study....as per trial protocol... YIKES!!! I can only assume that they would put me under for this particular procedure. The young lady on the telephone suggested that I read everything over and then call with any questions or concerns. I think maybe I need more details....

Age 67, SCC Larynx/Voice Box (T1-N0-M0)
Laser Supraglottic Laryngectomy 4/29/06.