[quote=Kathi G]I did not have the ND, but have the cramping on the left side of my neck and in the back of my head and down the back of my neck. Sometimes I think I will scream! That plus the L'Hermittes sign, the shocking sensations in my hands and legs, is about too much. And when I exercise or stretch my neck, the shocks get worse and go further down my legs. It makes it interesting trying to start an IV on a patient and not bend my head forward so I won't get shocked! Oh that gift that keeps on giving!! [/quote]

I really got a kick out of the "temporary" side effects as they said never went away. The L'Hermittes, the ringing in the ears, the tightness and pain in the jaw, the cramps...

Once the fisculations started and the constant twitching worsened I went to a neurologist and after almost 3 hours of sticking this 4 inch needle through my neck, shoulder muscles, even through the bottom of my chin and through my tongue, they told me I don't follow the normal pattern of arterio something post radiatin neuropathy syndromeor something like that and one of them told me not to worry it would probably go away soon. I reviewed the study and everyone else exhibited the same symptopms only five years later at 45 grays max of radiation. At least I know what it is and there is nothing to do but try a valium and vicodin when I want my neck to settle down enough to get a little sleep. If the burns would heal a bit, that might start working again.

I actually like to go for my checkups and I work the crowd pretty good because I can see the newbies and the fear. I remind myself how man are so much worse off and I get a chance to provide a little comfort to people whose lives were just thrown into a tailspin.


SCC Stage IV, BOT, T2N2bM0
Cisplatin/5FU x 3, 40 days radiation
Diagnosis 07/21/03 tx completed 10/08/03
Post Radiation Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome 3/08.
Cervical Spinal Stenosis 01/11
Cervical Myelitis 09/12
Thoracic Paraplegia 10/12
Dysautonomia 11/12
Hospice care 09/12-01/13.
COPD 01/14
Intermittent CHF 6/15
Feeding tube NPO 03/16
VFI 12/2016
ORN 12/2017
Cardiac Event 06/2018
Bilateral VFI 01/2021
Thoracotomy Bilobectomy 01/2022
Bilateral VFI 05/2022
Total Laryngectomy 01/2023