I'm 9 mos out and have been experiencing exactly what you've described. Sometimes the smallest, least strenuous activity, like walking with my laptop bag over my shoulder, will cause a cramp and send a sharp pain down the side of my neck. Fortunately it goes away after 5-10 secs. This happens about 5-6 times per week. I mentioned this to my oncologist at my last check-up, and he attributed it to radiation damage and did not offer anything to help.
Age 33, NS, HPV- 8/01- At 25, SCC on tongue,3cm lesion remvd. L nk diss clr nodes 10/07- 2cm SCC remvd from L tongue 4/08- SCC on L tonsil,tonslctmy,2 wks later PET showed golf-ball szd tumor in tongue. PEG.IMRT x 35 Cisplatin x 3 ended 7/08. Peg out feb 09 -Clear PET Dec 2010 |