I did not have the ND, but have the cramping on the left side of my neck and in the back of my head and down the back of my neck. Sometimes I think I will scream! That plus the L'Hermittes sign, the shocking sensations in my hands and legs, is about too much. And when I exercise or stretch my neck, the shocks get worse and go further down my legs. It makes it interesting trying to start an IV on a patient and not bend my head forward so I won't get shocked! Oh that gift that keeps on giving!!

59 yr old female Rad Tech T2N0M0 lt tonsil
IMRT x 35, no surg, no chemo.
Last treatment 11/18/08. Dealing with L'Hermittes sign presently.
Oct 2010 swollen nodes on rt. side. Biopsy: positive SCC
Jan.20,2011 radical neck dissection(6 hrs.) tonsillectomy on rt. finished 30 treatments Apr.27,2011.