Talked to my dr today during the stitch removal and got a better explanation. Since the cells were well-encapsulated, there are no good studies showing that rad tx improves survival. However he did encourage me to get more opinions as he said the rad oncologist he talked to was admittedly very conservative. So he is going to talk to a different one at the same hospital and I am probably going to see at least one, and maybe 2 from Milwaukee and Madison. He was very open to getting more opinions, as any dr should be. He also agreed with me that the rad tx would not hurt my chances of survival, just no proof that it would help, so as long as I am willing to put up with the side effects, it was my choice.

Lucinda 52 y.o. no risk factors -dxed 11/10/09 w/ Right lateral tongue SCC 2cm, bilateral neck dissection with 3 nodes positve on right, Induction chemoTx followed by ChemoradioTx, last Tx 4/3/09, PET/CT 11/8/09 showed no sign of recurrence.