Shaylynn, your blog is fantastic. Man, I didn't realize anyone as young as you would get oral cancer. You sure seem to be dealing with it better than I can even imagine doing. I just had a right side neck dissection and it went well. I am freaking just thinking about getting that mask made even before I start radiation. I'm pretty chlostrophobic. But I sure hope I can be as brave as you and others here are.

BOT-SCC Partial glossectomy 7/16/09.
Stage IV, Rt ND 10/2/09.
Teeth out 11/5/09.
Port/peg in, 11/20/09.
7 wks rad & chemo, end 1/22/10
lung, colon biopsies 1/9/11 - both cancer
colon resect surg 1/10/11
Folfox + Avastin - discontinued 6/11
lung surgery 3/13/12, 5/1/12
mets to liver and bones
passed away 9/4/13