Oh I can really get your take on how life is different. I went through everything, lost my jaw, almost died many times, and now
I am back to work and trying to prove to them that I am worth what they are paying me. I am a manager, former teacher at a Community College, ( don't know how I got to where i am, well, my husband)
but boy, years ago, I lived in a small town, union workers, my
boss promoted me to manager and all the "men" in the back were saying "yeah, I guess I can work for a woman". I laughed to myself and just stood my ground and demanded perfection like a "man" would do. Now, with Obama, I say, well, it's a good thing I was not black also. Imagine how far everyone, woman, caucasions, african americans, all others and all religions, in USA today have proceeded today. We have all come so far.
I am proud of us the USA.We have come a long way, now if we could
come a long way with cancer and fight this stuff and learn about it and spend money on research-wish we could do better and learn

I keep trying- I look different and keep "going to war" with trying to act normal and get things done and people look at me and I can tell they are looking at my jaw, my disfigure, but I look them square back in the eye and do my job. I go the extra mile and get it done. And then some days I go home and sit down
and have a cry cause I am so different. Oh, I wish I were just a woman again and that's all I had to deal witH!!!
Should I send this to a woman's movement committee?
Just kidding. Wish that was all I had to worry about anymore.
Thanks for listening.


Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.