Hi Becky,

I would like to reiterate exactly what everyone else has suggested that you get another opionion at a Cancer Centre and also if you can take someone with you to attend appointments.

During the appointments two heads are better than one because it can be really difficult to take in everything that they are saying to you but with another pair of ears it makes it just that little bit easier to remember things and also having someone else with you can help you to ask questions that you may not even think of. Taking notes is also a good idea.


46 yrs:
Apr 07-SCC 80% entire tongue removed,T4N1M0
Neck/D,Jaw Split, Trache 2 ops,PEG 3.5yrs
30 x rad,6 x Cisplatin,
30 x HBO
Apr'08- flap Recon + ORN Mandibulectomy
(hip bone to reconstruct jaw)
Oct'08 1 Plate out-jaw
Mar'09 Debulk flap
Sep'09/Jan&Nov'10/Feb&Jun'11/Jan&Jul'12/Oct'13/April'14-More surgery