You want to spot trends, not just a day when things didn't go well. Also when the pain meds kick in, it will be really easy for the patient to forget if they took their meds, what they ate, and more. I double dosed myself with morphine one day TWO TIMES.... needless to say this can have dire consequences. Someone else can total calories up and see if you are getting anywhere near the approximately 2000 needed, and help make adjustments. This is where the PEG comes in handy. Everything tastes like cardboard, everything hurts to eat, you are lethargic, you just want to pass on eating all together and sleep - and the pain meds facilitate this mindset. Before you know it, you have gone several days on 200-300 calories a day. The PEG means that while dozing in the recliner in front of the TV the calories are slowly dripping into your stomach without any of the negatives mentioned above. When ready, you can start to add back in soft, wet foods. I ate canned cold peach slices by the five gallon can (Costco) when I started back on food, and as you read here, people find much else. But none of that is complete nutrition, so the PEG balances the little that you can eat by mouth with getting what your body really needs to repair itself.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.