Hi Tom.

Thanks for responding so quickly. He does NOT have a PEG tube. The doctor did talk about him getting one - eventually - but he is still able to eat by mouth - well - swallow liquids and soft foods like yogurt and pudding. He says he is Ensured to death, and so doesn't want any more of that.

I have been making soft foods for him that are high in calories (banana pudding and this crab/artichoke dip where I'm pureeing all the ingredients first), and he was able to get some won-ton soup and a bit of an egg roll in him yesterday. Do they sell the Carnation stuff at regular stores - or is it special order?

I'm also worried about second opinions and whether he is being treated at a CCC facility. His chemo happens at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Manhasset, Long Island.

I am at somewhat of a disability here because his main caregiver is his wife, and sometimes she just is not forthcoming with information. When I ask questions she says, "The doctors have their reasons". That may be good enough for her but not for me or the rest of my family, and he sometimes is too shell-shocked to remember things from his appointments. It's so frustrating!

CG to Brother - 56 yrs - DX 3/17/2008 - SCC mouth, nodes and lungs.
T4N2M1 Taxotrene (1X), Cisplatin (4x) 5FU (4x)
Tx began 4/10/08 - told 5/28/08 time for hospice - he passed on June 5, 2008.