My husband and his doc felt that he wouldn't need one because of his radiation field. Starting week 5 the decline began. In about 15 days he has lost 15 pounds, become dehydrated and his counts were too low for chemo last week. 3 weeks ago he was doing GREAT; 2 weeks ago pretty good... It just hits - BAM. His RO was very discouraged and I can't remember who said PEG first, me or him. But needless to say we got one - no choice in my mind. But it was not easy (it happened today). Anyway the point of this "ramble" is it is alot harder on a body in a weakened state - it would have been easier to get it to begin with.

I think it is a personal decision and I don't think people should push others in one direction or the other; nor do I think a judgemental tone should be used when discussing it. Especially with new people - they don't know as much, nor have they seen as much as the old timers and they shouldn't be treated as if they are doing the right or wrong thing. They should just be given information. That is my interpretation of why Brian works so hard for us to have this site.

There's nothing wrong with having a PEG or not having a PEG. I relate it to a pair of crutches with a sprained ankle - use the crutches and it's easier, etc. and you still get well; don't use the crutches and it hurts like hell when you walk and you can still get well, but you are taking an educated risk that could cause a facture or torn tendon or something worse. (simplified and not a TRUE comparison I know, but you get my drift)

IMO there are TONS of things in this hellacious cancer experience that we cannot help or control, and that is TOUGH. This is a fairly easy procedure that we can control and can help. Just my unscientific poll of people who have had one - there aren't many regrets and most say they would do it again.

Wow - didn't mean for that to go quite so long, but I just got started and coldn't stop LOL

Michelle, CG to husband (45), DX 2/08 Stage IVa Adenocarcinoma Salivary Gland (T2N2bMO)
Parotidectomy & ND 2/08, Tumor margins not clear, 4 of 30 nodes positve for cancer,
TX IMRT 39x, cisplatin 7x (completed 5/1/08),
PEG (4/22 - 7/9), No port. Currently in remission!