Good afternoon everyone.

My name is Colleen and my brother was diagnosed with SCC, with involvement in the lymph nodes and we recently found out that it has spread to his lungs, although they say what they found in the lungs is "microscopic".

He had a rather large tumor in the upper right quadrant of his mouth. The skin of his cheek is involved, as well as the roof of his mouth, the sinus and some of his cheekbone. A 10 hour surgery had been planned but then was scrapped at the last minute because the tumor was so large. So he began aggressive chemotherapy.

He's had one round already, and is due to go back for another round in about 2 1/2 weeks. The first round was pretty impressive as it reduced the mouth tumor in size by about half.

I do not know what stage, but my guess is 4. We are trying madly to get second opinions, but because he has already begun chemo no one will see him until he is at a "decision point" which should be after the second round of chemo.

My family and I are all terrified. He is only 55. He was a heavy smoker/drinker - and unfortunately had been using SKOALs for the last few years (since he had a double hip replacement).

Right now just looking for advice on getting some nutrition in him. He's become very thin and I want him to be able to have something to fight with!

Thank you everyone.


CG to Brother - 56 yrs - DX 3/17/2008 - SCC mouth, nodes and lungs.
T4N2M1 Taxotrene (1X), Cisplatin (4x) 5FU (4x)
Tx began 4/10/08 - told 5/28/08 time for hospice - he passed on June 5, 2008.