What most of us put on a "chart" are number of calories consumed at each sitting [usually not broken down into carbs, fat,etc.] and ounces of liquids. Pain meds are charted by type and frequency.
Example: 7 am: 1 scrambled egg= 110 cals
1\2 cup oatmeal with whole milk 95 cals.
8 oz water
meds: 1 hydrocodone
temp\blood Pressure- optional but a good idea
10 am: 1 can Boost 250 cals
12 oz can 7-up [liquids + cals.
You can set this up however, but if your "patient" gets down, the more info you chart, the better informed you can make the Docs or nurses. Amy

CGtoJohn:SCC Flr of Mouth.Dx 3\05. Surg.4\05.T3NOMO.IMRTx30. Recur Dx 1\06.Surg 2\06. Chemo: 4 Cycles of Carbo\Taxol:on Erbitux for 7 mo. Lost our battle 2-23-07- But not the will to fight this disease
