Thanks everyone for the good information on the Carnation and where and how to order. I'm guessing we may not need it for a while - I had them both over for dinner last night and the man ate nearly an entire London Broil by himself! Whoo Hoo!!!! Along with mashed potatoes and some peas and corn!

This is a great thing because since his release from the hospital last week, he had only ginger ale and gatorade, and the weight seemed to just be melting off of him. Now I feel like I've whetted his appetite again.

Thanks for the advice about not doing the PEG tube during radiation. He may have radation, and he may not - docs will tell us what they want to do after chemo round 2 and new scans. I am not able to go to appointments with him because I have to work weekdays and he rarely has appointments on the weekends or in the evenings - but I do know that he's been back to the doctor several times since chemo round 1 ended.

I'm going to be on this board quite a bit - educating myself. Thanks everyone for the great support.


CG to Brother - 56 yrs - DX 3/17/2008 - SCC mouth, nodes and lungs.
T4N2M1 Taxotrene (1X), Cisplatin (4x) 5FU (4x)
Tx began 4/10/08 - told 5/28/08 time for hospice - he passed on June 5, 2008.