Oh yes today was a KFC day. Took the fried skin off the thighs and ate two of them. mac and cheese and potaoes with LOTS of gravy and yea I had a bisquit too tons of gravy. I am not worried about gaining weight or anything else like that because my nutritionalist told me not to loose anymore weight but I am still loosing it. Before I came up with the C I coukldn't loose the weight I went from 170 to 130 and lost another two pounds so if I can get it down then down it will go. Just keep trying everything even things that you didn't like before because I have found that I can toletate them better now. I hate throwing away food but I have thrown enough away to feed a whole country it seems.But I keep trying.

49 years young 9/2007 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 33 rad treatments. One year later, 9/17/2008 50 years old through the Grace of God. last check up all clear. Living life as it comes to me.